Delicate to hearty

Fine and hearty dishes are served in the fall. Discover two of our favorite recipes here!

Glazed pork belly with marinated scallops and char caviar
The idea of pork belly is rather hearty. But marinated in soy sauce and paired with a delicate scallop, it is more reminiscent of a delicious praline. It is a festive amuse bouche to start the Christmas season with a glass of champagne.

pork belly food delicious

Ingredients for 4 people
200 g pork belly with rind – 100 ml soy sauce – 50 ml cream – 50 ml mirin (sweet rice wine) – 1 pinch of char caviar – 1 l poultry stock – 4 sprigs of rosemary

Preheat the oven to 180° C with fan. Pour the soy sauce and rice wine into a medium saucepan with a lid. Place the pork belly in the pan and cook in the oven for 1.5-2 hours. Remove the belly, cut away the rind and tendons horizontally, weigh down between two plates, leave to cool for at least 4 hours and press. Leave the stock to cool and keep ready.

Cut the scallops into 4 thin slices and marinate with lime olive oil and the spices. Cut the cooled pork belly into portion-sized cubes and glaze in the stock on the stove.

Skewer both a slice of mussel and a piece of belly onto the sprig of rosemary and decorate with char caviar.


Pink roastedroasted veal boiled beef with prawns and nutmeg pumpkin herb
It is now common knowledge that meat loses much of its flavor under high heat. There is another way! At a mild heat, her veal boiled beef develops an amazing tenderness in the oven – for a piece of meat that was only known from the broth.

tafelspitz food recipe

Ingredients for 4 people
1 veal shank, 800-1000 g each – salt – ground black pepper – 2 tbsp olive oil – 300 g nutmeg pumpkin without peel and seeds – 1 yellow bell pepper, peeled and diced – 1 red bell pepper, peeled and diced – 2 shallots, finely diced 1 teaspoon. paprika powder – 1 splash of white wine vinegar – 20 g roasted pumpkin seeds – olive oil – 6 king prawns – freshly ground coriander – 1 sprig of thyme – 1 crushed clove of garlic – a little pumpkin seed oil

For the boiled beef, heat the olive oil in a pan. Then season with salt and pepper and fry on all sides until golden brown, remove and bake in a preheated oven at approx. 140° C on a kitchen rack with a drip tray for 35-40 minutes. Cook until pink. Remove and leave to cool. Cut into slices of about 3 millimeters against the grain using a slicing machine.

For the nutmeg pumpkin, heat the olive oil in a pan and sauté the shallots and diced bell pepper until translucent. Add the pumpkin and leave to soak for a while, but do not cook until completely soft. Season to taste with salt, pepper, paprika powder and white wine vinegar and fold in the roasted pumpkin seeds.

Season the peeled and deveined prawns with salt and coriander. Cook in olive oil, adding the aromatics, until translucent. Arrange decoratively on a plate and drizzle with a little pumpkin seed oil.

food content

Summary from the magazine “Living 06/2009”

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Autumn dishes, Delicate, Food. Recipe, Foodlover, Hearty, Indulgence, Onmytable

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